What Is Asbestos?

What is asbestos? - Asbestos is the common name for each variety of silicate materials that have fiber in the arrangement as well as more resistant to acid and fire than other materials. This has two forms, serpentine and amphibole, and is made of pure magnesium silicate. asbestos is used for thermal insulation, fire control, electrical insulation, building materials, brake arrangement and has been used in diverse industries.

serpentine and amphibole asbestos both show the physical and chemical resistance for high temperatures as well as the style is applied. raw ore into-2 form consists of strands having fiber. strands then continue to split into smaller fibers no thicker and more as well as the problem continues to increase. forms of asbestos ore can be split into strands prefix appears, fiber bundles, as well as individual fibers. but then they seemed strands, bundles, and fibers are always split into microscopic fibers, bundles, and strands. splitting can continue to level minutes microscopic level detection. This system is unique to asbestos and asbestos air why the problem like that. fiber could be so small that they continue in the air longer and pass undetected by the respiratory dust defenses.

cii-physical ciriistik distinguish serpentine and amphibole form. serpentine split so curly, wavy fibers which show little resistance to be twisted or spun. amphibole fibers are broken needles that show great resistance to be bent or curved. serpentine like man-made wool in appearance, where amphiboles like man-made fiberglass.

not only the two forms, there are three main types of asbestos: chrysotile, amosite, and crocidolite. chrysotile asbestos is serpentine and amphibole are amosite and crocidolite. chrysotile asbestos is the main commercial today. used in the isolation of amosite and crocidolite materials used to make asbestos cement products.

Canada is leading producer of asbestos, which has most of the world's largest asbestos mine field. Other producers are Russia, Zimbabwe, South African Republic, Cyprus, and the United States.

Asbestos is a strong carcinogen, ie, cancer-triggering substances, as well as a serious health hazard. This is known to trigger pleural plaques, asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer cause, esophagus, and colon. diseases caused by asbestos have a long latency period, usually take 10-50 years before the current show signs of the disease. This subject seems especially now, when the people who work installing asbestos as insulation and other materials in 1970 only now coming to understand that they are developing cancer at an alarming rate.


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