Symptoms of Stomach Cancer

Symptoms of Stomach Cancer - so far, gastric cancer patients in Indonesia are generally aged over 45 years and often take on the men.

like other types of cancer, gastric cancer is not yet known triggers with of course, but always associated with peptic ulcers, inflammation of the stomach or the stomach shrinkage coupled genetic factors.

of the research, it is known that there is a relationship in gastric cancer with food consumed. This article can help you find out what effect factors of gastric cancer attacked, do the steps early detection, steps to avoid gastric cancer, as well as how to know the symptoms of stomach cancer.

effect factors of gastric cancer attacked
The descriptions here are many things that could be a factor in gastric cancer hit, namely: the story of a family who suffer from this disease, routine smoking and drinking alcohol, food processing specific steps (like a poorly cooked food that is burned to keep the bacteria that remain dead) , eating specific foods like foods high salinity, nitrate foods with preservatives, alcohol, and coffee consumed too excessive or on an empty stomach.

prevention of gastric cancer

working on the next control when you feel the symptoms of gastric cancer following: stomach feels bloated, stomach feel full after eating, anemia and fatigue quickly, as well as natural weight reduction.

like in other types of cancer, gastric cancer is not yet known triggers clear. then no steps to prevent it. but you can take steps to reduce the effects of stomach cancer make small changes in your daily life.

prevention can be done by doing the following steps: eating nutritious foods like fresh vegetables and foods that contain a lot of vit. c, a, and e. stay away from preserved foods, reduce the amount of smoked foods and too salty, a routine stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

you can also ask questions to your doctor about the effects of stomach cancer. most of the medical conditions that add effects like stomach cancer include anemia, ulcers, and polyps. you can calculate the periodic endoscopy to track the symptoms of stomach cancer.

7 Characteristics of Malignant Cancer

Characteristics of Malignant Cancer - Cancer have signs that can be known of the movements and character while attacking the organ or tissue in the body. signs of Cancer are not the same as a benign tumor.

when a benign tumor spread is relatively slow time, reverse malignant or cancerous tumors have characteristics very quickly when spread. Cancer is a Disease caused by abnormal cell growth.

some cells that should have made retirement?? and replaced by new cells, refuse to do it and actually attacked some of the normal cells.

result, the organ takes place due to some abnormality in the cancer cells in the body cause damage. good to know with cancer, it helps you know the signs of cancer so that you can understand how the mechanisms of Cancer cells as well as action steps to defend themselves and to attack other cells. The following signs are highly malignant cancer.

1. cancer cells are not sensitive to the sign of the anti-growth
fair, in our body there is something anti-growth signal. signs are given anti-growth signal to the cell that has the time to stop to grow, however the signs are ignored by the cancer cells.

cancer cells continue to grow with no resolved that make health and balance organs so threatened. this is the sign of the first cancer. indifference sign of cancer cells in anti-growth has made it very risky and threaten the stability of the body.

2. make cancer cells growth hormone

in addition to not ignore the signs anti-development, cancer cells can also make their own developmental hormones. The cancer cells that make up such unruly and arrogant disregard the rules in the body.

force cancer cells to make itself a sign of the development of cancer signs 2nd. The hallmark of cancer cells show how autonomy in doing things their own wishes, regardless of the systems and mechanisms in the human body.

3. no matter apoptosis

signs that a third of cancer that cancer cells do not pay attention to apoptosis. apoptosis is a natural mechanism in the body so that cells die on time. but the subject was not followed by cancer cells. renegade cancer cells and does not comply with apoptosis mechanisms. cancer cells continue to divide and grow.

4. can get the nutrients themselves

to grow, something cells require nutrients consumption. in normal cells, was walking with a common mechanism through channels. but not so the case with cancer cells that can get the nutrients themselves to bear its growth.

measures undertaken aberrant cancer cells have already caused damage in the body system. irregularities that make cancer cells have done the body under conditions of risk due to the consumption of many nutrients that are taken over by the cancer cells with brutal. this is the sign of cancer the fourth.

5. can divide without limit to

signs of cancer to-five is his ability to continue to grow indefinitely. This is a form of malignant cancer cells possessed. when in normal cells there is a specific time period until the next stop dividing cancer cells, this issue does not apply to the cancer cells.

cancer cells continue to desire to spread and grow without limits. character possessed rebels continued to spread due to cancerous cells without follow body mechanism is what makes it very risky.

6. survive the high
survival of cancer cells have a very high power. normal cells is highly dependent on the mechanisms and systems in the body, another case with cancer cells. they have their own mechanisms and do not pay attention to the body of existing mechanisms. the high survival in cancer cells is that cancer signs sixth.

7. uncontrolled spread

when in normal cells, growth can be controlled, in cancer cells, growth spread uncontrollably. continued to attack cancer cells as well as in an organ or tissue to grow around it. signs that cancer is the seventh to make the cancer spreads very powerful.

Methods of Cancer Treatment with Chemotherapy and Herbs

Methods of Cancer Treatment with Chemotherapy and Herbs - many steps that can be done to cure cancer. each person with cancer is definitely so worried since this disease is classified as at risk of the deadly disease. needed treatment early and serious to do deal with this disease, because the effect is fatal in case of late or incorrect in healing.

This time, not only with known medical cure people, but many steps like healing and herbal blend to chemotherapy.

each of these healing methods have certainly result in consequences alone. specials for traditional healing / natural, many tumor surgeon who assume that the pattern does not have a healing effect on the patient's recovery though.

on the contrary, is often thought to have the potential to affect the performance of current anti-cancer drugs being consumed. when observed, that opinion is indeed rational, especially when see the fact that more and more herbal-based healing alternatives but, without first doing clinical trials.

however, we certainly can not mean hours and assume that each herbal-based traditional healing contains no avail even to cure cancer.

in principle, many herbs and fruits that contain flavonoids that is very useful to cure cancer.

wide distribution and a low level of toxicity that give advantage to us to consume plants that contain the active compounds healing benefits.

very much benefit derived from flavonoids in our body. as many studies show that flavonoids may act as modifying the body's reaction to the disease.

benefit not only cancer-fighting flavonoids, one of which could choke the inflammation or inflammation, control the sugar content in the blood, making protection of the body against heart disease, and also improve the immunity or the immune system.

take note that the content of flavonoids in the plant each variety until combined and the various quantities that can be used to cure various types of cancer.

and avail the benefits of flavonoids in the chemotherapy is able to help increase the performance and lower the toxic effects of chemotherapy (toxicity) the chemotherapy.

if done well can add a wide variety of combined flavonoids like luteolin, quercetin, genistein, apigenin, and kaempferol also. The blend can especially hinder the development of ovarian cancer cells.

The combination of the greater chance of killing the cancer while doing healing due to unequal steps, where each has its own benefits.

when the healing is done only with chemotherapy step, this step can indeed kill cancer cells, but less powerless to avoid the spread of cancer cells to other organs.

chemotherapy is also no longer helpless when there is development of new blood vessels, which can supply food for cancer cells. therefore, it takes a combination of the flavonoid is able to avoid the spread of cancer cells and play a role in there and choke the growth of new blood vessels, choke the course of mitosis or cell division, and blocking metastasis or spread to other organs.

yes, in addition to medical treatment, you can also take into account the anti-cancer herbs to deal with this disease. important, healing done with continuous and persistent action. for healing.

Alternative Cancer Treatment

Alternative Cancer Treatment - often, Cancer patients keep track of healing as well as other care beyond cure obtained from doctor. This subject is very normal considering so they pingin recovering from Cancer.

sometimes risky alternative Cancer Treatment and has not been proven. However, some healing and following cancer treatment is safe for you to do.

although studies continue to be done about it, most of the research in the first mention that these alternative Treatments to relieve the signs that follow the Cancer, but not definite treat.

remember the following additional Treatments can only relieve the signs caused by cancer or chemotherapy until you can do with the relaxed life. cancer cure visit for information about herbal cancer cure that you can consume.

Acupuncture is very helpful to relieve nausea after chemotherapy. not only that, the study also correct something that acupuncture can relieve pain caused by cancer. try to get acupuncture treatment from a certified practitioner with a sterile needle. need not be well known acupuncture for patients with low blood pressure or those who consume the blood pressure lowering.

apply aromatherapy oils in the skin can create a fresh and soothing sensation. which takes you recognize, some aromatherapy oils sometimes cause allergic reactions. Consequently, there is a choice arometerapi distributed throughout the room.

in the hands of practitioners who have experience of hypnosis can relieve anxiety, pain, and nausea that you feel throughout chemotherapy. practitioners can help you to get into the mind and create peace. hypnosis therapy will focus on your goals like control pain and lower stress.

which is a combination of yoga stretching and breathing body. because there are various types of yoga it's good to first check with your doctor or yoga teacher so you get optimal results. yoga can relieve stress for some cancer patients. besides that, this exercise also helps cancer patients to sleep better and relieve fatigue commonly encountered cancer patients.

Tai Chi
combination of gentle movement and breathing control system of tai chi is very probably to relieve stress. tai chi itself can be studied either through books or videos.

meditation is a situation where a person is deep concentration on something positive about the example. same like yoga, meditation can relieve stress and anxiety. meditation is learned from a book or video can be done once to 2 x in 1 day. please feel inefficient when it comes to practitioners who have the experience to obtain the optimal avail.

regarding the above can be done to relieve the signs that accompany cancer or other subject due to Cancer Treatments like chemotherapy. try looking for Cancer Treatment that fits with your condition so that stress, depression, nausea, and signs that accompany other cancers can be overcome.

Symptoms of Brain Cancer

Symptoms of Brain Cancer - what would happen if you had a brain problem? the brain is responsible for the benefits of recognition, emotion, memory, and all forms of evaluation.

brain also regulates some great movement, behavior and homeostatic body benefits like heart rate, blood pressure, body fluid balance and body temperature.

yes, the brain is the control center of mind and body. like the other side of the body, the brain was not immune from the threat of disease accounting for brain cancer.

This article can explain to you about the steps to do early detection, avoid brain cancer, as well as how you can know the symptoms of brain cancer are very varied, depending on where the tumor or cancer was lodged in the brain.

Causes and Symptoms of Brain Cancer
heredity, the story of hard impact, unhealthy lifestyle, exposed to radiation, can lead to the development of cancer cells in the brain. working with medical control immediately if symptoms arise following brain cancer.

signs most common brain cancer include headaches (settled in specific places) are accompanied by nausea to vomiting spraying, shrinking the power of vision, loss of consciousness, speech problems, hearing problems, problems walking / balance of the body (if there is a tumor or cancer in cerebellum), nerve problems, or seizures weakened part motion, natural problems starting in the benefits of intellectual memory.

Prevention of Brain Cancer
to do brain cancer prevention, you can follow these steps: a healthy lifestyle, like avoiding alcohol, cigarettes, as well as foods that contain chemicals / preservatives; doing with regular control for factors that have the effect of brain cancer, especially having the story brain cancer patients (mri and ct-scan), as well as eating foods / beverages that contain antioxidants.

antioxidants can help prevent some of the cell body of free radicals trigger cancer. with prevention is definitely better than the cure brain cancer, both in terms of time and cost.

9 Tips To Prevent Cancer

9 Tips To Prevent Cancer - Avoid cancer is the best step for avoiding like the phrase better than cure??, make a damage prevention does not have to happen.

so also for cancer, dodge cancer is much more better than cure. to avoid cancer, requires knowledge of what triggers cancer until we can avoid or prevent the possibility of the emergence of the roots of the cancer.

below nine surefire tips to Prevent Cancer.

1. examine risk because of heredity
between trigger cancer comes from heredity. if there is a parent or sibling with cancer, so cancer may also attack other parts of the family. therefore know whether there is a first part of a family affected by cancer is very important in an effort to avoid cancer.

2. avoid smoked foods and burned
trigger other cancers that smoked foods, baked, or pickled. metaphor like smoked fish or pickled foods. The food is at risk of causing cancer. by because it avoid or reduce the frequency of consumption of these foods so the obligation to avoid cancer.

3. abstain from alcohol
Alcohol has long been often said to be a cancer trigger. to avoid cancer, avoid consuming alcohol is an appropriate step.

4. Avoid foods with dyes
many foods now are combined with a dye to make it look attractive. even though the content of the dye can be risky for the body and can cause cancer. to avoid cancer, better try to avoid foods that use dyes. using food dyes can be known from the color of the food look more appealing than the more original color.

5. stay away from cigarettes
like alcohol, smoking is also a source of various diseases are no exception triggers for cancer. leave smoking routine or tried to stay away from people who are smoking is a good effort to avoid cancer.

6. avoid fatty foods
fat caused many problems in the body. counted as a cause of cancer. to avoid cancer, avoid high fat foods.

7. eating fiber-rich foods
fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber. reproduce very well the foods to avoid cancer.

8. exercise regularly
exercise is a good way to avoid cancer. because of the time of exercise, the body can burn fat and speed up metabolism. it can avoid the ongoing regarding cancer. not necessarily weight form of exercise. healthy easy sport like track or jogging can help avoid cancer.

9. consuming vit. a, c, and e

vit. a, vit. C, and vit. E has antioxidant content very useful to avoid cancer.

Stress Relief Miracle breath

Stress Relief Miracle breath - AStress often brings. This stress has a large effect on the body as well as your health. often carries negative impact.
ll the activities that you do everyday

If you are experiencing pain that never recovered, the body feels uncomfortable, ugly dream in every bedroom, quarrels with people closest to you, fresh skin, you may experience stress. This stress could be among the factors that really have influence on your unhappiness.

a lot of research done by some experts to reduce Stress. starting from a variety of food and exercise is recommended. but there are simple neglected subject of your attention. breathing. not just about simple? everyone does it. no living creature is not breathing.

Take a Breath Technique known in yoga to help smooth the flow of blood in the body. like you recognize, blood and oxygen transport. The oxygen can circulate throughout the body.

when the blood flow smoothly, then the oxygen can be channeled properly to the brain. this is what can help you reduce stress. with insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain, then the organs, especially the lungs may play a role either added.

Breathing can help relieve the Stress that you experienced. certainly not a short period of time. but with regular exercise, stress that you can naturally shrink.

Consider the following partial steps, which can alter your breathing so Magical Breath Stress buster.
  1. prepare a special time to do this breathing activity. distinguished by the time you are breathing like normal. This is due to the magical breath that you take regular breath deeply. give you more time to relax for approximately 5-10 minutes. time with a regular set, because you can do it 2x in 1 day.
  2. use clothing that makes you so freely. fitting sleepwear for this activity. pieces of the model that you can comfortably make breathes freely.
  3. turn off all electronic devices that emit a tone and can disturb you, like mobile phones, television, radio, and so forth.
  4. you can take the attitude of sitting, standing or lying. so make sure your whole body relax. relax all the muscles of your body.
  5. Begin closing your eyes, then inhale deeply. feel every tug and hembusannya. so try and pull gusts done in the same time period. what is your second interesting calculations as well as exhalation. concentrate your mind on your breath and exhale pull. doing all 5-10 minutes.
This small subject like Breathing give miraculous effects. if you do it regularly, you change the whole stress that can wear off one by one. you can be more fresh and ready to face your activity again.

Tips Eliminate Fatigue After Work

Tips Eliminate Fatigue After Work - what is the hours you work in one day? seven or eight hours? you are so tired and weary. The normal, indeed sometimes you become tired and bored. especially if your work has not been settled. pingin feels just run away. immediately arrange vacation or lazing in the residence.

time feel tired, your shoulders like a ton burden. terasanya legs stiff like wood. feel flimsy and uncomfortable driven. head felt heavy. terasanya skin tightness like can not breathe. then what you usually do?

go to the salon is indeed amongst good way out. but of course you used to be in a financial condition that thinning, or you do not have much time to go to the salon. The following are steps means that you should try. step is quite easy, festive and really suitable to eliminate fatigue after work.

that you need to do is:

1. Massage scrub
Massage this scrub should you do yourself. side you need to massage the hands and feet all over you. the shoulders and back. give a gentle massage until you feel comfortable. you better know your anatomy, then add either you do the massage itself. open to others. This body scrub massage activities can you do before the bath. Do not forget ultimately be more comfortable if you shower with warm water. due to the warm water helps make your blood flow smoothly

2. soak your feet in relieving fatigue potions
prepare warm water and one teaspoon of salt in a bucket of something. enter the petals of roses or if you will be able to be replaced with fragrances of aromatherapy. give one or two drops only. cermatlah determine its aroma. looking for a scent that provide relaxation and comfort, and can turn on motivation. soak your feet in it along approximately 30 minutes. also feel the warmth that radiates in your legs. would not you be more fresh now?

3. warm water bath
Do not underestimate your shower activity. since this time so make your bath time as a special time. for example, contains soap aromatherapy. or scented soaps fruit or flowers. about it very help you to calm the mind.

provide soap on your body. then rinse gently with warm water. feel each water flow in your body. flush your body starting from head to toe. then if your head feels heavy, the load can be washed along with soap and splash of water in your body.

4. drinking hot tea
remember, tea contains various types of substances that are useful to the body. then do not doubt your time consuming hot tea so the body feels tired. Tea helps give your body fitness. restore a sense of fresh and motivation has been used all day long. the amount of caffeine in tea help you become more relaxed. brewed hot tea, enjoy a soak while or after a shower. your body can be more relaxed.

has become more relaxed and comfortable not only? immediately adjust your sleeping position. then lie down in a very comfortable position. close your eyes. and be prepared for the day that more fresh the next day.

5 Powerful Tips to Eliminate Stress

5 Powerful Tips to Eliminate Stress - Stress is a condition which occurs due to pressure in excess of the maximum power of a person with psychological actions to be less healthy and monitored by the disruption of the body's metabolic system and cause a variety of illnesses.

stress faced by many urban communities throughout the world today, because the subject is influenced by various withdrawal demands of work, family economics, sickness and so forth.

stress easily take on the kind of person who flavorings, not sure myself, perfectionist and temperamental, with causes like physical load, dissatisfaction, loss, anxiety and failure, to cause ongoing stress effects.

to relieve stress, you can do the steps - steps to deal with stress following.

1. Drinking Black Tea.
people who drank four cups of black tea every day throughout the six weeks are known to handle stress more quickly and have the hormones cortisol levels lower naturally as stress, according to research from university college london. chemical compounds and antioxidants present in black tea can contain one so enjoy brain and calm the nerves.

2. Chewing Gum.
study english in australia and get that natural current stress, chewing gum throughout the 10 minutes can reduce anxiety and lower the content of the hormone cortisol in saliva up to 18%.

3. Write.
study published in 2010 in anxiety, stress, and coping found that writing about the depressing subject matter as long as 20 minutes throughout the two days can lower stress content. write down feelings on paper also helps us through the bad feelings and deal with negative emotions in yourself.

4. Listening to Music.
music can increase positive emotions and lower levels of stress hormones. study in the journal of advanced nursing found that patients who listened to a song of their choice throughout the 30 minutes, quieter operation when can face. moving to the rhythm of the song also increase your positive emotions and happiness leads to the production of hormones, namely endorphins.

5. Cleaning the House.
routine cleaning can lower the tension residence in mind. people often quiet and easy to get distracted when doing repetitive routines like sweeping, mopping, as well as others. This kind of activity is also effective to make the body calm.

despite the presence of stress is something about a commonplace, but this issue should be addressed as early as possible, because if it was likely sustained stress can make a person so depressed moreover can also cause a variety of diseases, like the case of obesity, especially ulcer disease.

That's some stress relief tips that you can practice in everyday life. hopefully guide above can handle the stress of a powerful and useful.

7 Powerful Tips to Fight Cancer

7 Powerful Tips to Fight Cancer - some cardiologists from the American Heart Association recommend seven guide to a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of cancer by 50% attacked, all reduce the risk of heart attack.

This finding is not surprising, because the elements are moving like a healthy diet, exercising and not smoking is indeed known to reduce the risk of cancer, "said the head of the department of research and professor of preventive medicine at the faculty, campus Feinberg - Chichago, Laura Rasmussen-Torvik.

The guide seventh namely:
1. active exercise
2. weight control
3. follow a healthy diet
4. protect cholesterol levels
5. lower blood pressure
6. monitor the sugar content
7. do not smoke

it is undeniable that a thorough healthy, "said Dr.. David Katz, director of the prevention research center at yale university.

some researchers say, they are moving six of the seven guides that can lower the risk of cancer by 50%, but for which only carry four guides can lower the risk of cancer is 33%. those who follow one or two guides can choke the cancer risk to 21%.

when not smoking deprived of seven guidelines for heart healthy behaviors, the relationship healthy lifestyle factors reduced the risk of developing cancer by shrinking importance.

Rasmussen-Torvik hope these findings help clinicians when patients urged to follow some of these tips, so all the extra motivation for the patient.

5 Beverages That Can Lose Weight

Lose Weight? - Weight loss secret lies in the intake that you consume each day. And not only have to pay attention to the food alone, it drinks very well determine a person's weight.

Drinks can make weight gain when high sugar content, carbohydrates or calories. Well, have to bother keeping food menu could be in vain if it does not keep the dong drink intake?

Diet in order to no longer be in vain, you can choose the following five drinks menu that will succeed your diet program.

Is the best drink of all types of drinks to help you lose weight. No additional flavor and content of any kind that can make you gain weight. Instead drink plenty of water with the digestion more smoothly and defecation also be relieved.

Vegetable juice
Make juice from vegetables that are rich in fiber, which helps facilitate digestion and defecation. Furthermore, vegetable juice also contains many nutrients needed by the body, and you can not eat them.

Vegetable juice also makes the stomach feel full longer. If you do not like it, you may add honey or fruit.

Fresh tea
Green tea has been known as a healthy drink that helps maintain the body's metabolism and stabilize weight. Rich in antioxidants and helps expel toxins from the body. However, the condition must be consumed without sugar in order to maximize its benefits.

Black coffee
Small cup of black coffee in the morning can help you lose weight. Is the caffeine in coffee could help to starve and make full longer. Coffee can also increase your metabolism and digestion.

However, be careful when mixing coffee with creamer, milk or sugar. Can be high calorie and can cause obesity.

Nonfat milk
Skim milk, nonfat milk or low fat consumed advised those who want to lose weight. Providing for protein, vit.D, and calcium which help keep muscles and bones to stay strong.

Avoid drinks that can make you fat, especially soft drinks and sugary drinks.

Types Of Mesothelioma Treatment

Mesothelioma Treatment - Advances in mesothelioma treatment offers hope for anyone affected by cancer this rule are rare.

Today, some of the victims lived capital of Peru until ten years or more after receiving identification of mesothelioma - the life expectancy rule ever measured by months. Learn about your body and this disease, and take control of your cancer treatment.

Although the enzyme is not an absolute cure for this cancer associated with asbestos, potentially curative enzyme treatment plan for the disease is diagnosed early enough and specialized medical care. Because mesothelioma is such a complicated disease rule, treatment should be tailored to what your body needs rule. That means factoring in the stage and type of cancer as well as your age, general health, and how aggressive you want your care to be.

Types of Mesothelioma Treatment
The types of Treatment rule you can receive depends on your identification. Treatment is usually broken down into two categories: curative and palliative. Curative treatments such as surgery aims to get the cancer out of your body Iranian. If you have not yet spread neoplasm, you must have a surgical option. In addition, the rule is different chemotherapy regimens and radiation treatments can help rule variety. Palliative care aims to make you more comfortable when you are living with cancer. Doctor will discuss your symptoms with the goal of improving the quality of your life.

In both cases, Mesothelioma Patients should ask about other options than standard surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Experimental treatment is enzyme, mostly through clinical trials. They include rapidly developing information therapy and immunotherapy, along with photodynamic therapy, rule everything can be discussed with an experienced specialist rule.