Tips Eliminate Fatigue After Work
Tips Eliminate Fatigue After Work - what is the hours you work in one day? seven or eight hours? you are so tired and weary. The normal, indeed sometimes you become tired and bored. especially if your work has not been settled. pingin feels just run away. immediately arrange vacation or lazing in the residence.
time feel tired, your shoulders like a ton burden. terasanya legs stiff like wood. feel flimsy and uncomfortable driven. head felt heavy. terasanya skin tightness like can not breathe. then what you usually do?
go to the salon is indeed amongst good way out. but of course you used to be in a financial condition that thinning, or you do not have much time to go to the salon. The following are steps means that you should try. step is quite easy, festive and really suitable to eliminate fatigue after work.
that you need to do is:
1. Massage scrub
Massage this scrub should you do yourself. side you need to massage the hands and feet all over you. the shoulders and back. give a gentle massage until you feel comfortable. you better know your anatomy, then add either you do the massage itself. open to others. This body scrub massage activities can you do before the bath. Do not forget ultimately be more comfortable if you shower with warm water. due to the warm water helps make your blood flow smoothly
2. soak your feet in relieving fatigue potions
prepare warm water and one teaspoon of salt in a bucket of something. enter the petals of roses or if you will be able to be replaced with fragrances of aromatherapy. give one or two drops only. cermatlah determine its aroma. looking for a scent that provide relaxation and comfort, and can turn on motivation. soak your feet in it along approximately 30 minutes. also feel the warmth that radiates in your legs. would not you be more fresh now?
3. warm water bath
Do not underestimate your shower activity. since this time so make your bath time as a special time. for example, contains soap aromatherapy. or scented soaps fruit or flowers. about it very help you to calm the mind.
provide soap on your body. then rinse gently with warm water. feel each water flow in your body. flush your body starting from head to toe. then if your head feels heavy, the load can be washed along with soap and splash of water in your body.
4. drinking hot tea
remember, tea contains various types of substances that are useful to the body. then do not doubt your time consuming hot tea so the body feels tired. Tea helps give your body fitness. restore a sense of fresh and motivation has been used all day long. the amount of caffeine in tea help you become more relaxed. brewed hot tea, enjoy a soak while or after a shower. your body can be more relaxed.
has become more relaxed and comfortable not only? immediately adjust your sleeping position. then lie down in a very comfortable position. close your eyes. and be prepared for the day that more fresh the next day.
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